New VMV Unveiled

The Riverside Medical Center, Inc. unveiled its new corporate Vision, Mission, and Values in simple ceremonies last January 30, 2024. The unveiling was simultaneously done at the Main Hospital Building, the Una Konsulta, and the Cancer Center.  The new corporate...

RMCI Celebrates its 68th Foundation Week

The Riverside Medical Center, Inc. (RMCI) celebrates its 68th Foundation Week with various activities planned from August 16 to 19, 2022. Today we opened our Employees’ Bazaar located at the New Hospital Building Driveway. The Bazaar has lots of trinkets and food...
Suffering from Lower back pain?

Suffering from Lower back pain?

The COVID-19 Pandemic should NOT cripple you. The PAIN will stay with or without the pandemic. At RMCI Physical Medicine and Fitness Center, you are assured of the safety during your physical therapy treatment. We are following STRICT safety protocols to protect you...
Company Executives Health Check

Company Executives Health Check

A superior way to serve your health needs… RMCI offers Company Executives Health Check. Bringing to your company the healthcare services you need. Call now: 0999-333-4442